Antenna Vector LOGO-20-1

Brand: Китай
Product Code: LOGO-20-1
437 ₴

  • Availability: In Stock

Description Vector LOGO-20-1

External, efficient antenna for receiving analogue and digital TV, active (built-in amplifier). Well-suited for DVB-T2 in the frequency range 470-862 MHz (from 21 to 69 channel).

Technical parameters of this type of antenna is superior to the counterparts through the use of highly conductive aluminum alloy and application design a log-periodic aerial antennas.

A log-periodic aerial antenna have a wide range of gain, unlike the vibratory loop antennas where a large signal amplification is possible only in a given frequency spectrum.

Device antenna

The antenna consists of two aluminum bearing profiles are mounted on the vibrators. Under the back cover is the antenna amplifier with F-type connector for connecting the antenna cable.

To carry out the supply of power to the antenna is possible with a digital receiver (if you have this feature) or a separate power supply with injector +5 - 12V (the supply is not).

With a weight of 395g antenna, the antenna has overall size 440*310 mm, and attached with cable ties directly on the antenna mast.

Brand Вектор Плюс
Выходное сопротивление (Ом) 75 Ом
Длина кабеля в комплекте (м) Нет
Количество вибраторов, директоров и рефлекторов 20
Конструкция антенны Логопериодическая
Коэффициент усиления (дБ) 28 дБ
Материал конструкции антенны Алюминий + пластик
Направленность антенны Узконаправленная
Питание антенны (V) 5...12В
Поддержка аналогового и цифрового DVB-T/T2 Да
Подключение антенны F6 гнездо «мама»
Расстояние от телевышки Среднее
Тип антенны Наружная
Тип упаковки Без коробки
Усиление сигнала С усилителем
Частотный диапазон (МГц) ДМВ (470...862 МГц / 21-69к.)

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