Sting for soldering irons
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102 ₴

Soldering tip for a soldering iron and what it is.
Sting as if he did not call still stings, they are used in soldering irons for soldering and depending on requirements they come in different shapes and sharpening. The sting can be made of different materials but most often it is still copper. And their wide variety you can find in the online store “House of ham” and our experts will gladly help to buy soldering iron tip for a soldering iron or soldering station.
Copper soldering tip.
Copper is a traditional sting sting even from ancestral times and have both their advantages and disadvantages. Most often copper tip used by people without soldering skills, they are unpretentious in the case of misuse, you can always improve and perledit. Copper soldering tip is used for soldering with acid, which is absolutely not applicable for pressed ceramic, and all because of the opportunity to reground and perledit this sting. Well, modern masters, in most cases, the same is not used, they require constant perelozhenie not as convenient to use as a modern stinger.
The ceramic tip.
This is already the category of the modern show they are very convenient to use Only what they require more careful handling but it will last longer for the rest. They can not be cleaned with abrasive means or to sharpen a file, but for cleaning them enough sponge dampened with water or a piece of cotton fabric. There is also a modern means of cleansing pressed in the form of brushes that do not scratch the sting and not damage ceramic coating. In essence Ceramic stinger is the same copper sting only covered the top layer in the ceramic, which protects the copper from erosion and from such stings are tinned and tinning production by chemical method and in the case of removal of the layer of tinning from the tip, the sting goes bad
A steel stinger.
This type of stings most often included inexpensive soldering irons and more is just for testing, but running such stings is almost impossible. Perhaps this tip should be included for any unforeseen work that is like the sting for slaughter or for work on plastic.
The soldering iron tip and heater.
These stings are quite innovative and relatively new. They have won quite a lot of popularity, the only limiting factor is their relatively high cost but in some cases, these stings are simply irreplaceable. Very often, these stings used for lead-free soldering, they have a relatively high heat capacity and enough power to melt lead free solder.
Very often, people wonder what the sting need to choose? And this will help the specialists of our online store The store carries a wide selection of different soldering tips of different manufacturers and configurations. The store is always expert help, the selection pressed on the sample or with the fitting of your equipment.